Tag Archives : London Tradition

Adventures in stealth – the camo dufflecoat by London Tradition

Regular readers will recall the custom dufflecoat London Tradition made for me last year. Remarkable in the intensity of the blue, it elicits comments whenever I wear it. It’s got an amount of different that makes it impossible to ignore. Which is a good thing in these days of accepted blandness and disposable fast fashion. Wear something unique and you…

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Review: Klein blue dufflage by London Tradition

Honest, Guv, I wasn’t looking for trouble. Trouble in the way of another duffle-coat, that is. And certainly not another blue one. It was just that it started ticking all my boxes, saying all the right things. And it was just so very, very blue. And it can not be ignored. The royal blue wool is so vibrant it makes…

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