Tag Archives : guide

In case you missed them, the best of 2015 #3: Opinions

Further on from the index to all the guides and reviews I wrote in 2015, here is a handy index to what I chose to group as “opinions”. Possibly a spurious description for a motley selection of posts, some verging on the rantings of the unhinged, others merely difficult to file under any other description. A shorter list than the others, but…

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In case you missed them, the best of 2015 #1: Guides

Last year I posed a couple of posts summarising all the best pieces I wrote in 2014. Since this was a resounding success and a public service in the true spirit of altruism, surprise surprise, I’m at it again this year! It can be an arduous task reading back through almost 400 posts, so here is an easy to use…

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Some great jackets for spring and summer

With the incredible amounts of rain falling from the skies these days, it’s obvious that something seasonal is going on. And a change in seasons means a change of wardrobe, at least if you’re listening to what the fashionistas are saying. Anyhow, be it as it may be, if you are actually looking for something new this season, I thought…

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