Tag Archives : Dress shirt

How to save your bacon when asked to dress nice…

A couple of weeks ago I was press-ganged into attending a company dinner with WDG, aka she who must be obeyed. Now, anyone that has followed me for a while knows that I don’t do suits, as in the only suit I own is from 1945 and of a decidedly vintage style. My job requires me to be fully clothed…

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Robert Owen, the undershirt solution

Sometimes in life you’re not aware that you have a problem until one day someone offers you a solution. This is one of those times. Out of the blue I received an email from Robert Kay, owner of new menswear brand Robert Owen. He wrote to let me know about his new venture, undershirts for gentlemen. Now, much as I’m…

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What’s up with “dressing nice”?

Last week I was at a work conference celebrating 25 years of the company I work for. As per usual, there is the standard “Big Dinner”. While I enjoy good food, these dinners are always totally painful for me. Sitting at the table for hours to work our way through a meagre 3-course dinner, trying to engage the others round…

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Tips: Thoughts about shirts

I thought I’d write a little about shirts today. Then it struck me, I don’t really have much actual knowledge about shirts. I don’t know all the technical words a tailor or stylist would use, or have an encyclopaedic knowledge of the minutiae of The Shirt. I do know mostly what I like and how I use shirts though, so…

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