Tag Archives : David Keyte

Waistcoat Wednesday: Universal works, lovely, light and flawed

Roll up, roll up! Welcome back to another Waistcoat Wednesday, in fact the nineteenth in the series. Hard to believe it’s been this many, and even harder to believe the wall of waistcoats here at Well Dressed Mansion consists of this many. Maybe me son has a point when he says I’m a hoarder. Then again, it could be the…

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Waistcoat Wednesday: Universal Works, almost universal approval

For this weeks Waistcoat Wednesday I’m featuring a cheeky little number by Universal Works. I’m not sure what the model is known as, possibly the “suit” waistcoat, but since buying it this Spring I’ve been using it a lot. This weeks shots are the result of a happy combination of sunny weather, working from home and the self-timer on the…

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A label to watch: Home of Millican, bags and bags of style

In a slight deviation from the typical “label to watch” post, this time I’m taking a left turn away from makers of fine and interesting garments and instead taking a look at a company making travel bagssuitable for a Well Dressed Dad. I’ve ventured this way before, when I was looking for a backpack suitable for a stylish man, and…

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