Tag Archives : custom

The answer to shirts that don’t fit

A while back I was talking about shirts and how hard it was to find a shirt that fit the two most important criteria of shirts, that it was a shirt I liked and that it fit me. The first part of this is pretty open, there are almost infinite amounts of shirts available, in any number of fabrics, styles…

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Companion Denim unboxing and review!

I was recently reading a piece in the newspaper about internet trends and how the phenomena of “unboxing” was huge. Never one to let a bandwagon pass by, I thought “hey, I’m sure it’s not just kids that would like to see someone open a box and show them what’s in it!”. Heck, I know you’re gagging for my little…

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Lane Fortyfive, the small-batch gin of clothing?

One of the aspects I enjoy most about being a blogger is getting to know interesting people and this week I had a long chat with the chap behind new label “Lane Fortyfive“. The chat, as it turned out, was very much a coming together of minds, as Tan is ticking a huge number of checkboxes when it comes to…

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