Tag Archives : Brand

Lane Fortyfive, the small-batch gin of clothing?

One of the aspects I enjoy most about being a blogger is getting to know interesting people and this week I had a long chat with the chap behind new label “Lane Fortyfive“. The chat, as it turned out, was very much a coming together of minds, as Tan is ticking a huge number of checkboxes when it comes to…

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Book review: “F**k Ivy” by Mark McNairy

Ok, let me just start by saying that I’m a little at a loss when it comes to this book. The provocative title, “F**k Ivy ** and everything else”, confirms my opinion of Mark as an enfant terrible of the menswear world. Which is strangely timely, given how much mention there has been of Ivy around here in recent times. And of…

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The power of the branding

We like to think we’re rational and sensible people, capable of seeing right from wrong, the real from the fake, not allowing ourself to be tricked or conned. Yet when your partner asks your opinion on some new item they have purchased, are you able to answer a straight yay or nay? Or do you find yourself needing more parameters than…

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Book review: Contemporary menswear

I love books. In a world where information is so freely available, so continuously updated and so prolific as to be almost worthless, there is something more definite and permanent about the print on paper. Whereas a blog-post can be infinitely edited and updated, when you put something in print the material should be considered and final, once it’s out…

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The Copenhagen round-up!

A two day trip to Copenhagen on business provided me with the opportunity to look up a few of the places I’ve had on my Short List of Interesting Things to See in Copenhagen (and no, there is no clever acronym hiding in there, though thank you for noticing there might be). I’ve posted separately about my visits to Hansen…

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Brands: It’s all in the story…

In another post where I talk smack about stuff I really shouldn’t talk about, given that I’m a civil engineer not a marketing guru, I give you: What makes a brand? A name, a designer, a style, something ethereal and mystic, history, or something else entirely? To me, names come and go, designers are rarely given celebrity status, styles come…

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