Browsing Category : Opinions

How I almost appeared on British TV…

I’ve mentioned before how I occasionally get really strange mails in relation to my blogging. Mails that seem so ill-researched that sometimes I have to wonder how on earth I came up in their results. At the end of January I got such a mail. I can only imagine Agnes, the researcher at Princess Productions in London, had googled “dad”…

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Fashion, clothing and ethics: Who made your clothes?

So, today is Fashion Revolution Day. A year to the day after 1133 people were killed and over 2500 injured when the Rana Plaza garment factory collapsed in Bangladesh. A tragedy that made world news and made a huge impact on those unfortunate to be directly involved. Has anything changed since then? Quite likely not. At least not on any…

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Why shoe sizes are a mess

A couple of recent shoe experiences have really brought home to me, again,  how frustrating the issue of shoe sizes is. I’ve previously posted about this in regards to clothing, this time it’s about the footwear. Looking at it with an analytical eye, how hard can it be? In it’s basic form the average human foot has a single measurement…

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A few thoughts about workwear…

I’ve been meaning to write something about workwear for a while now, but find myself prompted now by my friend Svante “Urban Hippie” Nybyggars writing a piece about it over on the excellent site Denimhunters. While I for the most part agree with Svantes sentiments about workwear, I feel inspired to chip in with my 2 øre on the matter.…

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Unfashionable fashion and DadStyle

A recent book purchase has proved to be a valuable source of inspiration and food for thought to me. The book in question is “My Rugged 211” by Minoru Onozato, editor in chief of the Japanese magazine Free & Easy. Free & Easy is one of several Japanese magazines covering the retro and heritage clothes culture in Japan. Quite popular…

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Sizing, and why it appears to baffle the boffins

Sizing of clothes is a topic that is close to my heart, and not in a good way. I’m sure I’m not the only one to find it quite supremely annoying how it seems impossible for manufacturers of clothes to do something as apparently simple as mark clothes with an actual size that bears some relation to the garment itself,…

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Why cheap fashion must die

Most human endeavours are in some way aimed at improving the human existence. Be it through culture, engineering, medicine or other ways that make life easier, safer or more pleasurable, we progress as a species. I quite often feel a real sense of pride in observing the innovations in science and technology. The complexity and sheer dedication going into the…

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The critical state of waistcoat buckles

Now, anyone that has been following my blog for a while knows that around here we very much enjoy our waistcoats. This tends to lead to a certain amount of nerdy attention to detail, as shown in my series of waistcoat reviews for my ongoing Waistcoat Wednesday festivities. Details matter, otherwise all we have is an indistinguishable array of armless…

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The best of Fruit & Menswear Volume 2

Following on from the previous instalment of “Fruit & Menswear”, I present Volume 2: With even more tanginess. For the uninitiated, this is a small art project by way of my Instagram account. Art? Some say it’s not art at all, but what do they know? All installations, concepts and photography by yours truly. Mail me about commercial opportunities or exhibition…

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Web-shops of distinction, a few tips on getting it right

Being interested in clothes I occasionally peek around various shops on the web. Not that often though, and not really with very much joy either. Why, you may wonder? Well, while a lot of effort will usually go into creating a physical shop of distinction, the same effort is rarely put into creating a singular shop on-line. Why is this?…

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