Author Archives : Well Dressed Dad

Back to the future: Red Wing Supersoles

I considered that this may bring Well Dressed Dad’s blog to boot overload – but of course, a man can never talk or know too much about stout footwear. And besides, I’m excited. The Red Wing Supersoles has a nostalgic place in my heart from my younger days. Singular appearance and actually tougher than old boots. Without raking over old…

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Five fantastic kicks for the cold season

Although I quite briefly touched upon winter boots in my post on style tips for the Autumn and Winter (if you missed them, find parts one, two and three here), I thought I’d offer up a few more specific tips of boots that might take your fancy right about now. The selection is based on boots I’ve noticed, with input…

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A label to watch: Ætt, retro-styled goodness from Norway

It’s not every day I discover something new and exciting, but the past weeks there has been an increasing buzz around a tiny new company called Ætt (pronounced “Aett”) here in Norway. They are based in Bergen. I almost say “of course”, as this is where the increasingly successful Norwegian Rain also hail from (no pun intended) and Bergen is…

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Style: A few tips for the Autumn/Winter season Part 3

Welcome back to part three of my tips for what to wear this Autumn. If you haven’t already read part one, covering head and shoulders, and part two, which was all about the upper body, you might like to read them before continuing. General and above the shoulders  Upper body wear Legs and feet (this post) Or maybe a new backpack?   At…

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The awful truth of beards and moustaches

Yes, it’s that time of year when half the males of the species partake in the ritual humiliation of the other half by allowing their facial hair to grow wild in the name of Movember. It’s all for charity guys! Yeah, sure. Of course it’s not all about showing you have the genetic ability to grow facial hair with dignity.…

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The collected reviews of Waistcoat Wednesday!

Although my waistcoat reviews for #WaistcoatWednesday are taking a break at the moment (aka. I’ve run out of waistcoats to review), I continue to promote armless attire as a midweek sartorial statement. To make it easier for all the waistcoat fanciers among my readers, I present the collected waistcoat wisdom so far (and a bonanza of awkward posing). Just click…

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Style: A few tips for the Autumn/Winter season Part 2

Welcome back to part two of my tips for what to wear this Autumn! This is a three-part post: General and above the shoulders  Upper body wear (this post) Legs and feet Or maybe a new backpack? With head-wear and scarves covered, let’s move on to the upper body. Here it becomes more interesting, as with the upper-body we get the…

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How to survive as a traditional local clothes shop

Todays’ local newspaper carried the sob stories of a handful of local shops that have folded due to the unfair competition from online shops, with bitter complaints about how the local brick and mortar shops are used to view and fondle items before ordering online. The underlying tone is that this is really awfully unfair and that we consumers need…

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Style: A few tips for the Autumn/Winter season Part 1

This summer I wrote a couple of posts (here and here) with my ideas on summer attire for the middle-aged man. From the feedback I received, which to be honest was overwhelmingly from significant others using my opinions to take their ill-dressed men to task, it was clear that a concise and clear guide to what is and isn’t acceptable…

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A little media attention comes my way…

Yesterday was a slightly strange day. After a few weeks of waiting, my first interview as Well Dressed Dad was due for publication. Not having seen a preview of the feature it was with some trepidation I stopped by the kiosk at the train station before catching the train to work to buy a copy of Finansavisen, making sure the…

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