A little media attention comes my way…

Yesterday was a slightly strange day. After a few weeks of waiting, my first interview as Well Dressed Dad was due for publication. Not having seen a preview of the feature it was with some trepidation I stopped by the kiosk at the train station before catching the train to work to buy a copy of Finansavisen, making sure the quarterly glossy Fashion supplement was included.

Well ensconced in the train, I turned to page 10, and there I was (facsimile at the end of the post, though unless you can read Norwegian it’s of marginal interest). In all my awkwardness, in full colour print, well past the point of no return. And beneath, Rupert, our WellFedDog, guarding a pair of my brogues. At least I’m not alone in not being a naturally gifted model. If all my photos could be of me pointing to a pair of poorly tuned carburettors in a vintage Jaguar, with a stern and concerned look on my face, I think I’d manage to pull it off with some semblance of dignity. Ask me to go for the long-limbed, vacant look typified by fashion bloggers and I’m truly struggling. Suggest a smile in addition and I’m ready to make a run for it. Anyhow, I digress.

Having been writing the blog since February, and trying my best to keep it secret from people that know me, it was strange to suddenly allow myself to be outed. I had strongly suspected it would be quite awkward to have my secret identity revealed (a secret identity more in the vein of Kick Ass, not Batman, OK?) and hence I had put off saying anything to my friends. And, well, it’s very much easier to write when you don’t have people you know looking over your shoulder ready to comment on any inaccuracies or factual liberties you might want to take.

But now it’s done. And it’s been pretty cool. Lots of new followers on Twitter and Instagram. A record number of hits on the blog. And I finally passed 30 likes on Facebook. Score! Thanks to everyone that let me know they like what I’m doing, truly.

Now I just need to make sure all this success doesn’t go to my head and stop me from coming up with more cutting edge #DadStyle writings.

Finansavisen bilag 25-10-2013


  • Mark J Hollingsworth 28/10/2013 at 18:03

    Well done! You deserve the credit for the excellent work you are doing in setting a wonderful example for middle aged men (and also the younger ones who should be aspiring to reach your standards!).


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