Tag Archives : William Lennon

Review: The HebTroCO X William Lennon & Co Chukka boots

Someone asked if it’s wasn’t about time I did a review of the HebTroCo Chukka boots, made by William Lennon & Co, and yes, it is long overdue. The more I thought about it though, the more I realised that it would be less a review and more a design study, both in fabrication techniques and well, a history lesson…

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A visit to the William Lennon & Co. boot factory in Stoney Middleton

HebTroCo makes their Moto and Chukka boots at William Lennon & Co in Stoney Middleton, Hope Valley, Derbyshire and I found myself there by their invitation on an overcast Wednesday in March. This is the first in a series of articles about the background and makers of the HebTroCo products. Stoney Middleton. It’s such a typically British name. Not uniquely so though, as…

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