Tag Archives : Tailor

The bespoke shirt update: Is it splendid?

A while back I wrote about my experience of being measured for a bespoke shirt by Oslo-based tailoring-firm Splendid & Fellows, and I did promise a follow-up on what the end result was like. Pardon my lateness in this respect, the shirt hasn’t actually taken this long to arrive! It did in fact arrive after the 6 weeks or so…

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Giving the idea of bespoke a try…

Regular readers will be well aware of the issues I have with garment manufacturers and their sloppy and inaccurate sizing, and how this makes it difficult to predict the sizing of clothes based upon their information. Argh, I feel my ire rising just thinking about it. In a recent piece I ended with the questions “Is bespoke the only way to…

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Review: Stylish underwear for the mature man

For the longest time I’ve harboured a, mostly unexpressed, jealousy towards women. That’s women in general, not really any specific females, at least not in this case. You may wonder why I’m jealous (or not, in which case I’ve probably lost your interest anyway)? Now, I’m quite certain I’m not alone in feel a little jealous, although I’ve resisted Googling…

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Tips: Thoughts about shirts

I thought I’d write a little about shirts today. Then it struck me, I don’t really have much actual knowledge about shirts. I don’t know all the technical words a tailor or stylist would use, or have an encyclopaedic knowledge of the minutiae of The Shirt. I do know mostly what I like and how I use shirts though, so…

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Book tip: Bespoke, by Richard Anderson

On a recent trip to London I made a point of seeking out the famous Savile Row. I’d watched the 3-part docu-series the BBC had made about Savile Row focusing on it’s changing fortunes and I was really curious about what the street was really like. I did a post on this visit a while back, it can be found…

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