Tag Archives : rant

5 shoes I would never wear

These days I’m doing a fair bit of travelling for work, an arduous task that provides ample opportunity for doing a spot of people-gazing. Or as is more often the case in these days where you should not catch anyone’s eye, looking at what people are wearing on their feet. Seeing how many Norwegian men wear really awful shoes, even…

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Trip report: Glastonbury and a bit of the South-West corner of the UK

Mid May it was time to visit the sceptred Isles of Great Britain for another getaway mini-break. Learning from previous experiences regarding the absolute density of experiences in the UK, we planned less travel and more local exploring this time. This also means spending less valuable time moving from overnight accommodation to new overnight accommodation, which again helps to avoid energy loss. This…

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Consumer advocate: What is customer service?

I live in a fairly small town in Norway. It’s a place a lot of people visit, so it’s well served with hotels, both large and smaller. There is a certain amount of competition in the market, so they all try to offer the best possible experience. Except one, a small and apparently family run establishment. Ideally located in the…

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When “eco fashion” means “con-oaf, he is”

It’s been a while now since I last posted a rant. You might be forgiven thinking that my more Meldrewesqe tendencies have been under control, my life has been utterly copacetic (such a great word, aren’t great words just the greatest?) and there was nothing around to make me shake my fist in annoyance. Yet, as I wander around, observing,…

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The truth about #hygge

Observing the current obsession in the UK with the apparently Danish concept of “hygge” is both amusing and disturbing. Firstly, trying to package and sell such a concept is in itself a strange task, based as it is on an apparently untranslatable word that involves an increasingly wide selection of absolutely necessary food, drink, accessories and whatnots to achieve some…

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Knitted wool hats can get stuffed.

I realise I’m going out on a limb here, stating the unutterable, voicing the opinion that dare not be muttered, yet standing up for the freezing man in face of popular opinion. You just know I’m about to go off all half-cocked now, right? So, knitted wool hats. What a load of crap! Apart from hiding your bad hair day, what have…

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The critical state of waistcoat buckles

Now, anyone that has been following my blog for a while knows that around here we very much enjoy our waistcoats. This tends to lead to a certain amount of nerdy attention to detail, as shown in my series of waistcoat reviews for my ongoing Waistcoat Wednesday festivities. Details matter, otherwise all we have is an indistinguishable array of armless…

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