Tag Archives : Ralph Lauren

Review: "My rugged 211" by Minouru Onozato

I recently managed to source the book “My Rugged 211” by Minoru Onozato. Onozato-san is Editor in chief of the Japanese magazine Free & Easy, and hence very influential in what may be considered the retro and heritage clothes culture in Japan. Free & Easy magazine is Japanese-language only, but well illustrated, and is quite popular in the West, even if…

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Style: The grey market, and why the marketers get it wrong

Since becoming more interested in clothes over the past few years, I find I’ve also taken more interest in how they are presented to me in the marketplace. We’re talking marketing, advertising, the dangling of the lure that will make me want to part with my hard-earned cash in exchange for whatever is being promoted. And I’m becoming increasingly aware…

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