Tag Archives : Lubrication

The Great Shaving Cream Investigation – Round 4

Welcome to round 4 of the Great Shaving Cream Investigation! At this point you may well be wondering how many rounds there will be, and if the excitement can continue to escalate at such a fearsome rate. Well, dear shaving cream aficionados, I can exclusively reveal that there will be at least another 2 rounds after this one and I…

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The Great Shaving Cream Investigation – Round 1

So, last Saturday saw the first round of the Great Shaving Cream Investigation go down in the hallowed den of beard removal here at WellDressed mansion. From an initial selection of four shaving lubricants, two variants were selected. This meant that my old faithful over the past years, brash US brand Billy Jealousy goes head to head with sophisticated newcomer (to me,…

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