Tag Archives : Granny

Style: A few tips for the Autumn/Winter season Part 1

This summer I wrote a couple of posts (here and here) with my ideas on summer attire for the middle-aged man. From the feedback I received, which to be honest was overwhelmingly from significant others using my opinions to take their ill-dressed men to task, it was clear that a concise and clear guide to what is and isn’t acceptable…

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Waistcoat Wednesday: Nigel Cabourn, not knitted by your Granny

Welcome back to the 20th edition of Waistcoat Wednesday! Whilst today is another unseasonally warm day here in sunny Norway, today’s waistcoat selection is really a number I’ve been saving for when it gets a little chillier. A woolly little number, and what I consider to be a vest. A knitted vest. Not usually an article that would would be…

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