Tag Archives : gentleman

Book review: “Dressing the man” by Alan Flusser

Today’s book is a heavy one, and full of knowledge and facts. It’s clocks in at some 300 odd pages, profusely illustrated and lots of text. Published in 2002, this is a timeless tome indeed. And properly hefty, in it’s hardbound format. This is not a book to be taken lightly! The full title of the book is “Dressing the…

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The taboo of nasal hair and a solution

We tend to think that around the end of our teens we stop growing. We’ve reached our cruising altitude, our various bits and pieces have extended fully and from here on out it’s all downhill. We’ll shrink, we’ll develop a gut and a balding pate. On the plus side, while it may take 20 years to assemble us fully, most of…

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A comprehensive guide to Goodyear welted shoe soles

In recent times I’ve had  a couple of pairs of my quality shoes, the ones with Goodyear welted shoe soles, resoled. In the grand scheme of things makes me something of a know-it-all, with regards to what goes on on the underside of Gentleman’s footwear. First I found a pair of custom-grade Church brogues, which I then had resoled with Dainite soles, then…

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The Great Shaving Cream Investigation – Round 2

Round 1 of the Great Shaving Cream Investigation saw Billy Jealousy soundly trounce Gentleman’s Tonic, with both seeing points lost for unsound ingredients. The huge difference in the products made my job quite a bit easier though. Will I have as much luck this time? A week of rest and active accumulation of fresh stubble and I’m ready to take a…

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Tip: Commando-soled brogue and gravel

Continuing on my mission to be the middle-aged menswear blog that provides the best value for money for my elite group of readers, I am today offering up something of a top-tip for those of you struggling to come to terms with the amount of gravel (or small stones, for the non-engineers among you) your commando-soled brogues are picking up.…

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