Browsing Category : Opinions

Merry Xmas!

Looking out the window as I write this it’s pitch dark, rain gently drizzling down. In the distance I can see the neighbours festive lights swaying in the wind, in a desperate bid to install some yuletide cheer to all. Still, in the cosy little world of mens wear and related issues, it’s almost business as usual. I’ve got a few…

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The evolution and devolution of denim

Denim is a curious fabric. I can’t think of any fabric that is currently so torn with regards to which way it should develop. On the one hand the traditional denim companies are doing what they do, continually creating a better and more technical and high quality product. On the other hand you have the heritage-orientated companies taking development back to…

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Rant: Boots with zips, really?

I like a nice pair of boots. Not because I have any particular need for the ruggedness, but because I like their look, their no messing sturdiness, and well, just because. I do have a strong opinion when it comes to boots though and that is that if you’re going to wear boots, you should wear boots. Not play-boots. And…

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Norris Tweed: Into the un-Googleable world of vintage

Anyone who has followed me for a while will know that I am very much into things that are a little off the beaten track. The stuff that most have forgotten, or stuff that has yet to attract the attention of the braying masses, or even just odd things. Hence why I love poking around vintage markets and jumble sales. You…

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Get your fscked jeans darned well

Nothing lasts forever, and especially not a pair of jeans that are worn day in and day out, rarely washed and only given tough macho love. Even more so if you’re the type of person that treats your jeans totally without mercy, all in the name of evolving the fades and getting that personal wear. This makes for a truly…

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Searching for the unique menswear shop

Have you ever noticed how similar menswear shops are? Not the ones your father would go to, or the one you would take your young son into, but the sort of proper one the sorts like you and me would visit. The ones that tend to carry less suits and more timeless, quality pieces. You know the sort, right? I…

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Shock of the new – Adventures in Gore-tex!

Eh? What is this rubbish I hear you wail. Gore-tex? GORE…TEX? I visit this joint to read about artisan selvedge denim and tweed jackets, not dayglow jackets what train spotters wear. Indeed you do, but bear with me dear reader. I raise my hand and say I like a Cabourn Mallory coat as much as the next man and yes,…

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The power of the branding

We like to think we’re rational and sensible people, capable of seeing right from wrong, the real from the fake, not allowing ourself to be tricked or conned. Yet when your partner asks your opinion on some new item they have purchased, are you able to answer a straight yay or nay? Or do you find yourself needing more parameters than…

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Beat the conspiracy – get your glasses online

Last time I bought a pair of glasses I splurged a bit and got a pair of rimless titanium frames. They cost me about 700 pounds all in, which seemed quite immense, but the optician had a scheme where you could divide the cost over a number of months. Which of course is a classic way of making something expensive…

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Bored? Need a topic to discuss?

Having spent much time driving cars recently, there has been ample time to talk. Unless you’re gaping in awe at your surroundings (“Look, a dog!”) or playing inane in-car games (“I spy with my little eye something beginning with the letter D”, “The dog?”, “You win again…”) these long drives will require topics. Common topics. While I might be quite happy…

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