Celebration! 2 years, 300 posts!

Time for a another celebration today, a mere year after the last one. Please don’t think me pompous, self-satisfied, smug or ego-stroking, but reaching a milestone 300 posts and keeping up blogging for two full years does make me feel quite pleased with myself, and yes, a little smug and self-satisfied. Perhaps not so much pompous and if I have a failing it’s probably my inability to stroke my own ego. Just kidding.

Yet here we are, with more readers, more viewers, more followers, more comments and generally more interest in what I’m up to. And it does make me feel rather proud, I can’t hide that. Most months have seen more readers, and the number of followers on Instagram has steadily risen.



So what has the past year included?

More travelling, more waistcoats, more trousers, more projects, more opinions and guides. And my Friday morning editorial and curated Instagram collation. And the collaborations that resulted in the WDD x Fracap boots, and the Indigo Village scarves. The Great Shaving Cream Investigation was another popular investigative series into the murky world of shaving products.


And what will be coming up?

More design collaborations, more reviews, no doubt more opinions (ok, rants) and probably more guides. There may be more philosophical analysis and a turn towards the cynical, what with my early onset grumpiness becoming increasingly apparent.


Something I have noticed over the past year is that my personal taste has become more solid. The denim, tweed and brogues theme feels very comfortable. Looking around it has become more difficult to find interesting things, both when it comes to quality and design. This does make it more challenging to find topics to write about.



I would like to thank everyone that has mailed, commented and generally given feedback over the past year. It’s your support that inspired me to keep going and I appreciate it very much.

I’d like to celebrate the anniversary with a small giveaway though. No requests for follows, or tedious re-shares on Instagram, just write something nice in the comment field below and I’ll select a random winner of an Indigo Village scarf of your choice. Easy, right? I’ll wait until 1400 CET Sunday March 1st before selecting a winner. Sorry! The giveaway has been drawn and closed. Lars in Denmark was the lucky winner!

(More info about the indigo scarves and other fine stuff I have for sale on the sneakily named For Sale page).




  1. Congratulations on 2 years and 300 posts! It is quite an impressive milestone! I love reading your posts here and on Instagram! Truly awesome!

  2. Well done on the past 2 years, I always look forward to your blog and the stunning photographs that accompany them. Keep up the good work.

  3. Stort tillykke med de første to år Nick. Jeg er glad for at vores virtuelle veje har krydset hinanden, så jeg kan dyrke min interesse via dine blogs.

  4. Hey! Congratulations on your two year! Your blog always reminds me to throw on my best tweed for even the most mundane occasions. Cheers to 300 more!

  5. My favourite Instagram posts all come courtesy of WDD. Interesting and insightful, your posts are always worth a read. I have been given cause to question your judgement when it comes to trousers in a couple of occasions, but I’ll let that slide.

    Congratulations Nick

  6. Takk for alle inspirerende innlegg! Jeg er selv en begynnende syerske og har hatt mye glede av å bli introdusert varierende tekstiler, spennende kombinasjoner av farger og teksturer. Ikke minst takk for alle gode tips om kvalitetsmerker her ifra Norge og Norden generelt. Du har i tillegg også bidratt til en økende interesse for Japanske tekstiler, mønstre og Indigo farging. God fortsettelse !

  7. Here’s to another two great years (and another two after that, and after that.. etc) Love the Instagram as daily style inspiration, thank you!

  8. Gratulerer. Stor fan av bloggen din. Mange gode tips, ideer og anmeldelser. Hvis du tar deg bryet med å voksen noen cm så er jeg kandidat for brukt sidene dine også!

  9. Great blog, with lots of insight into men’s style and am I too late…

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